Thursday, 21 June 2012

All for Ron and Ron for all.

It's Go Skateboarding Day - Woohoo - and it's raining here in Sheffield.

I thought I'd write a blogpost about something random which I suppose is Skateboarding related but not really.

Whats in a name?

masc. proper name, from O.N. Rögnvaldr "Having the Gods' Power," from rögn "gods," lit. "decreeing powers" (pl. of regin "decree") + valdr "ruler."
Ronald is a masculine name predominantly found in Scotland where it has always been popular, however in Scotland it usually takes the form Ranald. The name is of Norse origin and was bought over by raiding Vikings. The form Ranald has not really spread from its Scottish roots, however Ronald is widespread, and is common in America where is was the name of the 40th president, Ronald Reagan, and where it is also the name of the mascot of the McDonalds franchise, Ronald McDonald.

As I was growing up I always seemed to notice Skateboarders with the same name as me and always wondered if anyone else did the same? Probably not, anyway I thought it would be fun to post up some sections of people called Ron, Ronnie, Ronny, Ronald... you might dig them.

Ronnie Bertino - XYZ section

Ron Allen -  Risk It section

Ron Whaley - Uprising section

Ronnie Creager - This isn't a section but has some Rad stuff

Ron Chatman - Rubbish Heap

Ron Knigge - Da deal is dead


Ron Deily - State of mind


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