I thought I'd write a blogpost about something random which I suppose is Skateboarding related but not really.
Whats in a name?
masc. proper name, from O.N. Rögnvaldr "Having the Gods' Power," from rögn "gods," lit. "decreeing powers" (pl. of regin "decree") + valdr "ruler."
As I was growing up I always seemed to notice Skateboarders with the same name as me and always wondered if anyone else did the same? Probably not, anyway I thought it would be fun to post up some sections of people called Ron, Ronnie, Ronny, Ronald... you might dig them.
Ronnie Bertino - XYZ section
Ron Allen - Risk It section
Ron Whaley - Uprising section
Ronnie Creager - This isn't a section but has some Rad stuff
Ron Chatman - Rubbish Heap
Ron Knigge - Da deal is dead
Ron Deily - State of mind
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