The good lads at Simple held an official opening party on Friday. I was fucking hyped to see the 5'Boro video that they were premiering at the party too.
I became the annoying bloke taking photos of everyone, but fuck it you've got to fill the internet up somehow. You all know everyone anyway, so I'll keep my shite captions to a minimum.
I became the annoying bloke taking photos of everyone, but fuck it you've got to fill the internet up somehow. You all know everyone anyway, so I'll keep my shite captions to a minimum.
The party carried on somewhere, but I lamed out and went home to have a hangover between 4 and 6am.
Cheers again Ash and Rob, the shop is sick. Get down there and have a coffee.
The 5'Boro video is amazing, raw east coast skating, no fucking about with mega slow mo's and nas and wu-tang on the soundtrack. Thrasher have released it on their website so I guess it's okay to put it here.
Who the hell is Jordan Trahan? A massive noseblunt into a bank, noseslide to 5.0 on a handrail and that powerslide to ollie. Wow.